
Showing posts from December, 2014

Pentateuch Books Abbreviation Quiz

Pentateuch Abbreviations The following are the 5 books from the Pentateuch. Can you identify them? Deut Deuteronomy Dueteronomy Ex Exodvs Exodus Gen Genesis Genesist Lev Leviticus Liviticus Num Number Numbers That was easy! Would you like to face the next challenge? Take more quizzes .

The Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical Books

The Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical Books are grouped into four. Books and Additions to Esther and Daniel that are in the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Slavonic Bibles. Tobit Judith The Additions to the Book of Esther Wisdom of Solomon Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach) Baruch The Letter of Jeremiah The Additions to the Book of Daniel: The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Books in the Greek and Slavonic Bibles but not in the Roman Catholic Canon 1 Esdras (or 2 Esdras in Slavonic and 3 Esdras in Appendix to Vulgate) Prayer of Manasseh Psalm 151 3 Maccabees In the Slavonic Bible and in the Latin Vulgate Appendix 2 Esdras (or 3 Esdras in Slavonic and 4 Esdras in Vulgate Appendix) In an Appendix to the Greek Bible 4 Maccabees