Prayer: Contemplation
When one practices contemplation , the human nature needs to experience "interiority"; however, the ego craves to have something, aspires to know something, longs to acquire something. Until these triple "desire for something" dissipates, it will be very hard for the person to reach interior freedom. This can not be done in a day, nor in just a short practice for some time. This path of contemplation is entered into with intense effort, and arrive at with discipline until it reaches a stage where it becomes a habit, a part of our daily life. We need great dedication to reach this stage. Have constancy so that the day will come when it will be easy and delightful. — (John Tauler, 14th c. Dominican Mystic) From Regina Rosarii, Center for Contemplative Prayer, #55 Scout Santiago Street, Timog, Quezon City. Photo c/o Fotografik Mind