MDG's Coat of Arms - the Achievement

The crest and the helm (helmet), according to the rules of heraldry, should define the achievement of the group or individual to which the Coat of Arms belong. In MDG's case, its achievement is being YUPPEACE itself -- it's creation and existence -- and the individual Christians formed by YUPPEACE.


For the reason that we are actually not state soldiers or knights in a combat, we don't have a helmet that we can identify ourselves with. Instead, let's look at ourselves as soldiers of Christ in a battle that fights for our faith and our Church. The Word of God is our helm, symbolized by the Holy Bible.

The Wreath, The Crest and the Crown

The wreath above the helm is the a pale yellow and Argent flag -- symbolizing the Roman Catholic Church. Nestled on the wreath is a globe with a cross at the center. It symbolizes the transformed humankind -- the wounded people that Yuppeace embraced.

Above the globe is fire - symbolizing the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit serves as our crown that reminds us of Pentecost. When Jesus, before He ascended to heaven, sent off His disciples, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven and rested on the crowns of the disciples. We call this mystery the Pentecost. When Pope John Paul II, graced the Philippines during the World Youth Day 95, he sent us off with these words -- "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." That day was pentecostal for us Yuppeace, responding "Here we are; send us, Oh Lord! We embrace the world."

The Holy Spirit that descended upon us never left us. It stays on the crown of our heads everyday. This means that Pentecost does not happen only on it's feast. It continues to manifest its presence, wisdom, and love every day. The Holy Spirit is our crown.


Mantling or lambrequin is a protective cloth tied to the back of the helmet to cover the head. For MDG's mantling, a blue mantle would depict our Marian devotion. It serves as the Marian grace that envelopes the house of Mother of Divine Grace. It also tells us that the Blessed Mother is our way to her Son, Jesus.


Two pillars support the shield. These pillars represent the pillars in Don Bosco's dream. On top of the pillar on the left is the crown of Mary Help of Christians; on top of the pillar on the right is a host with the letters "JHS" inscribed. The pillars speak of our devotion to Mary Help of Chirstians and to our Savior Jesus Christ through the Holy Eucharist.

The pillar on the left has 10 stars. Each star represents a faith paradigm. The pillar on the right has a 3-leaf clover, reminding us of our one and only Choice -- GOD.

Our Motto

Our motto is "to serve is God's grace". For its significance, I leave that to you for your own
reflections. Why is to serve is God's grace?

In A Nutshell

When Pope John Paul II sent us off during the World Youth Day 95 (yellow and white wreath, Vatican, the Church), he said "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (helm, Bible, Word of God). YUPPEACE responded to that call. So, YUPPEACE "embraced the world" putting Christ in the center of our hearts, witnessing to many individuals that they, too, may be inspired and formed to Christ-centeredness (crest, globe with cross at the center). The Holy Spirit above the world tells us that Yuppeace's way of life is a going-concern. It continues to light (crown, fire, Holy Spirit) the world through various formation programs that centers on the Salesian spirituality (supporters, the pillars).

"So, here we are. Send us oh, Lord! We embrace the world." -- YUPPEACE


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